/ .localenv / lib / python3.5 / site-packages / jupyterlab / @master

# coding: utf-8
"""Jupyter LabExtension Entry Points."""

# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
import os
import sys
import traceback

from copy import copy

from jupyter_core.application import JupyterApp, base_flags, base_aliases

from traitlets import Bool, Unicode

from .commands import (
    install_extension, uninstall_extension, list_extensions,
    enable_extension, disable_extension, check_extension,
    link_package, unlink_package, build, get_app_version, HERE,

flags = dict(base_flags)
flags['no-build'] = (
    {'BaseExtensionApp': {'should_build': False}},
    "Defer building the app after the action."
flags['dev-build'] = (
    {'BaseExtensionApp': {'dev_build': True}},
    "Build in Development mode"
flags['clean'] = (
    {'BaseExtensionApp': {'should_clean': True}},
    "Cleanup intermediate files after the action."

check_flags = copy(flags)
check_flags['installed'] = (
    {'CheckLabExtensionsApp': {'should_check_installed_only': True}},
    "Check only if the extension is installed."

update_flags = copy(flags)
update_flags['all'] = (
    {'UpdateLabExtensionApp': {'all': True}},
    "Update all extensions"

aliases = dict(base_aliases)
aliases['app-dir'] = 'BaseExtensionApp.app_dir'

VERSION = get_app_version()

class BaseExtensionApp(JupyterApp):
    version = VERSION
    flags = flags
    aliases = aliases

    app_dir = Unicode('', config=True,
        help="The app directory to target")

    should_build = Bool(True, config=True,
        help="Whether to build the app after the action")

    dev_build = Bool(True, config=True,
        help="Whether to build in dev mode (defaults to dev mode)")

    should_clean = Bool(False, config=True,
        help="Whether temporary files should be cleaned up after building jupyterlab")

    def start(self):
        if self.app_dir and self.app_dir.startswith(HERE):
            raise ValueError('Cannot run lab extension commands in core app')
            ans = self.run_task()
            if ans and self.should_build:
                command = 'build:prod' if not self.dev_build else 'build'
                build(app_dir=self.app_dir, clean_staging=self.should_clean,
                      logger=self.log, command=command)
        except Exception as ex:
            _, _, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
            msg = traceback.format_exception(ex.__class__, ex, exc_traceback)
            for line in msg:
            self.log.error('\nErrored, use --debug for full output:')

    def run_task(self):

    def _log_format_default(self):
        """A default format for messages"""
        return "%(message)s"

class InstallLabExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp):
    description = "Install labextension(s)"

    def run_task(self):
        self.extra_args = self.extra_args or [os.getcwd()]
        return any([
            install_extension(arg, self.app_dir, logger=self.log)
            for arg in self.extra_args

class UpdateLabExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp):
    description = "Update labextension(s)"
    flags = update_flags

    all = Bool(False, config=True,
        help="Whether to update all extensions")

    def run_task(self):
        if not self.all and not self.extra_args:
            self.log.warn('Specify an extension to update, or use --all to update all extensions')
            return False
        if self.all:
            return update_extension(all_=True, app_dir=self.app_dir, logger=self.log)
        return any([
            update_extension(name=arg, app_dir=self.app_dir, logger=self.log)
            for arg in self.extra_args

class LinkLabExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp):
    description = """
    Link local npm packages that are not lab extensions.

    Links a package to the JupyterLab build process. A linked
    package is manually re-installed from its source location when
    `jupyter lab build` is run.
    should_build = Bool(True, config=True,
        help="Whether to build the app after the action")

    def run_task(self):
        self.extra_args = self.extra_args or [os.getcwd()]
        return any([
            link_package(arg, self.app_dir, logger=self.log)
            for arg in self.extra_args

class UnlinkLabExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp):
    description = "Unlink packages by name or path"

    def run_task(self):
        self.extra_args = self.extra_args or [os.getcwd()]
        return any([
            unlink_package(arg, self.app_dir, logger=self.log)
            for arg in self.extra_args

class UninstallLabExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp):
    description = "Uninstall labextension(s) by name"

    def run_task(self):
        self.extra_args = self.extra_args or [os.getcwd()]
        return any([
            uninstall_extension(arg, self.app_dir, logger=self.log)
            for arg in self.extra_args

class ListLabExtensionsApp(BaseExtensionApp):
    description = "List the installed labextensions"

    def run_task(self):
        list_extensions(self.app_dir, logger=self.log)

class EnableLabExtensionsApp(BaseExtensionApp):
    description = "Enable labextension(s) by name"

    def run_task(self):
        [enable_extension(arg, self.app_dir, logger=self.log)
         for arg in self.extra_args]

class DisableLabExtensionsApp(BaseExtensionApp):
    description = "Disable labextension(s) by name"

    def run_task(self):
        [disable_extension(arg, self.app_dir, logger=self.log)
         for arg in self.extra_args]

class CheckLabExtensionsApp(BaseExtensionApp):
    description = "Check labextension(s) by name"
    flags = check_flags

    should_check_installed_only = Bool(False, config=True,
        help="Whether it should check only if the extensions is installed")

    def run_task(self):
        all_enabled = all(
                arg, self.app_dir,
            for arg in self.extra_args)
        if not all_enabled:

_examples = """
jupyter labextension list                        # list all configured labextensions
jupyter labextension install <extension name>    # install a labextension
jupyter labextension uninstall <extension name>  # uninstall a labextension

class LabExtensionApp(JupyterApp):
    """Base jupyter labextension command entry point"""
    name = "jupyter labextension"
    version = VERSION
    description = "Work with JupyterLab extensions"
    examples = _examples

    subcommands = dict(
        install=(InstallLabExtensionApp, "Install labextension(s)"),
        update=(UpdateLabExtensionApp, "Update labextension(s)"),
        uninstall=(UninstallLabExtensionApp, "Uninstall labextension(s)"),
        list=(ListLabExtensionsApp, "List labextensions"),
        link=(LinkLabExtensionApp, "Link labextension(s)"),
        unlink=(UnlinkLabExtensionApp, "Unlink labextension(s)"),
        enable=(EnableLabExtensionsApp, "Enable labextension(s)"),
        disable=(DisableLabExtensionsApp, "Disable labextension(s)"),
        check=(CheckLabExtensionsApp, "Check labextension(s)"),

    def start(self):
        """Perform the App's functions as configured"""
        super(LabExtensionApp, self).start()

        # The above should have called a subcommand and raised NoStart; if we
        # get here, it didn't, so we should a message.
        subcmds = ", ".join(sorted(self.subcommands))
        sys.exit("Please supply at least one subcommand: %s" % subcmds)

main = LabExtensionApp.launch_instance

if __name__ == '__main__':