/ .localenv / lib / python3.5 / site-packages / notebook / base / @master

# coding: utf-8
"""Tornado handlers for WebSocket <-> ZMQ sockets."""

# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.

import os
import json
import struct
import warnings
import sys

    from urllib.parse import urlparse # Py 3
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urlparse # Py 2

import tornado
from tornado import gen, ioloop, web
from tornado.websocket import WebSocketHandler

from jupyter_client.session import Session
from jupyter_client.jsonutil import date_default, extract_dates
from ipython_genutils.py3compat import cast_unicode

from .handlers import IPythonHandler

def serialize_binary_message(msg):
    """serialize a message as a binary blob


    4 bytes: number of msg parts (nbufs) as 32b int
    4 * nbufs bytes: offset for each buffer as integer as 32b int

    Offsets are from the start of the buffer, including the header.


    The message serialized to bytes.

    # don't modify msg or buffer list in-place
    msg = msg.copy()
    buffers = list(msg.pop('buffers'))
    if sys.version_info < (3, 4):
        buffers = [x.tobytes() for x in buffers]
    bmsg = json.dumps(msg, default=date_default).encode('utf8')
    buffers.insert(0, bmsg)
    nbufs = len(buffers)
    offsets = [4 * (nbufs + 1)]
    for buf in buffers[:-1]:
        offsets.append(offsets[-1] + len(buf))
    offsets_buf = struct.pack('!' + 'I' * (nbufs + 1), nbufs, *offsets)
    buffers.insert(0, offsets_buf)
    return b''.join(buffers)

def deserialize_binary_message(bmsg):
    """deserialize a message from a binary blog


    4 bytes: number of msg parts (nbufs) as 32b int
    4 * nbufs bytes: offset for each buffer as integer as 32b int

    Offsets are from the start of the buffer, including the header.


    message dictionary
    nbufs = struct.unpack('!i', bmsg[:4])[0]
    offsets = list(struct.unpack('!' + 'I' * nbufs, bmsg[4:4*(nbufs+1)]))
    bufs = []
    for start, stop in zip(offsets[:-1], offsets[1:]):
    msg = json.loads(bufs[0].decode('utf8'))
    msg['header'] = extract_dates(msg['header'])
    msg['parent_header'] = extract_dates(msg['parent_header'])
    msg['buffers'] = bufs[1:]
    return msg

# ping interval for keeping websockets alive (30 seconds)

class WebSocketMixin(object):
    """Mixin for common websocket options"""
    ping_callback = None
    last_ping = 0
    last_pong = 0
    stream = None
    def ping_interval(self):
        """The interval for websocket keep-alive pings.
        Set ws_ping_interval = 0 to disable pings.
        return self.settings.get('ws_ping_interval', WS_PING_INTERVAL)
    def ping_timeout(self):
        """If no ping is received in this many milliseconds,
        close the websocket connection (VPNs, etc. can fail to cleanly close ws connections).
        Default is max of 3 pings or 30 seconds.
        return self.settings.get('ws_ping_timeout',
            max(3 * self.ping_interval, WS_PING_INTERVAL)

    def check_origin(self, origin=None):
        """Check Origin == Host or Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
        Tornado >= 4 calls this method automatically, raising 403 if it returns False.

        if self.allow_origin == '*' or (
            hasattr(self, 'skip_check_origin') and self.skip_check_origin()):
            return True

        host = self.request.headers.get("Host")
        if origin is None:
            origin = self.get_origin()
        # If no origin or host header is provided, assume from script
        if origin is None or host is None:
            return True
        origin = origin.lower()
        origin_host = urlparse(origin).netloc
        # OK if origin matches host
        if origin_host == host:
            return True
        # Check CORS headers
        if self.allow_origin:
            allow = self.allow_origin == origin
        elif self.allow_origin_pat:
            allow = bool(self.allow_origin_pat.match(origin))
            # No CORS headers deny the request
            allow = False
        if not allow:
            self.log.warning("Blocking Cross Origin WebSocket Attempt.  Origin: %s, Host: %s",
                origin, host,
        return allow

    def clear_cookie(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """meaningless for websockets"""

    def open(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.log.debug("Opening websocket %s", self.request.path)

        # start the pinging
        if self.ping_interval > 0:
            loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
            self.last_ping = loop.time()  # Remember time of last ping
            self.last_pong = self.last_ping
            self.ping_callback = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(
                self.send_ping, self.ping_interval,
        return super(WebSocketMixin, self).open(*args, **kwargs)

    def send_ping(self):
        """send a ping to keep the websocket alive"""
        if and self.ping_callback is not None:

        # check for timeout on pong.  Make sure that we really have sent a recent ping in
        # case the machine with both server and client has been suspended since the last ping.
        now = ioloop.IOLoop.current().time()
        since_last_pong = 1e3 * (now - self.last_pong)
        since_last_ping = 1e3 * (now - self.last_ping)
        if since_last_ping < 2*self.ping_interval and since_last_pong > self.ping_timeout:
            self.log.warning("WebSocket ping timeout after %i ms.", since_last_pong)
        self.last_ping = now

    def on_pong(self, data):
        self.last_pong = ioloop.IOLoop.current().time()

class ZMQStreamHandler(WebSocketMixin, WebSocketHandler):
    if tornado.version_info < (4,1):
        """Backport send_error from tornado 4.1 to 4.0"""
        def send_error(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if is None:
                super(WebSocketHandler, self).send_error(*args, **kwargs)
                # If we get an uncaught exception during the handshake,
                # we have no choice but to abruptly close the connection.
                # TODO: for uncaught exceptions after the handshake,
                # we can close the connection more gracefully.

    def _reserialize_reply(self, msg_or_list, channel=None):
        """Reserialize a reply message using JSON.

        msg_or_list can be an already-deserialized msg dict or the zmq buffer list.
        If it is the zmq list, it will be deserialized with self.session.
        This takes the msg list from the ZMQ socket and serializes the result for the websocket.
        This method should be used by self._on_zmq_reply to build messages that can
        be sent back to the browser.
        if isinstance(msg_or_list, dict):
            # already unpacked
            msg = msg_or_list
            idents, msg_list = self.session.feed_identities(msg_or_list)
            msg = self.session.deserialize(msg_list)
        if channel:
            msg['channel'] = channel
        if msg['buffers']:
            buf = serialize_binary_message(msg)
            return buf
            smsg = json.dumps(msg, default=date_default)
            return cast_unicode(smsg)

    def _on_zmq_reply(self, stream, msg_list):
        # Sometimes this gets triggered when the on_close method is scheduled in the
        # eventloop but hasn't been called.
        if or stream.closed():
            self.log.warning("zmq message arrived on closed channel")
        channel = getattr(stream, 'channel', None)
            msg = self._reserialize_reply(msg_list, channel=channel)
        except Exception:
            self.log.critical("Malformed message: %r" % msg_list, exc_info=True)
            self.write_message(msg, binary=isinstance(msg, bytes))

class AuthenticatedZMQStreamHandler(ZMQStreamHandler, IPythonHandler):
    def set_default_headers(self):
        """Undo the set_default_headers in IPythonHandler
        which doesn't make sense for websockets
    def pre_get(self):
        """Run before finishing the GET request
        Extend this method to add logic that should fire before
        the websocket finishes completing.
        # authenticate the request before opening the websocket
        if self.get_current_user() is None:
            self.log.warning("Couldn't authenticate WebSocket connection")
            raise web.HTTPError(403)
        if self.get_argument('session_id', False):
            self.session.session = cast_unicode(self.get_argument('session_id'))
            self.log.warning("No session ID specified")
    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # pre_get can be a coroutine in subclasses
        # assign and yield in two step to avoid tornado 3 issues
        res = self.pre_get()
        yield gen.maybe_future(res)
        super(AuthenticatedZMQStreamHandler, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
    def initialize(self):
        self.log.debug("Initializing websocket connection %s", self.request.path)
        self.session = Session(config=self.config)

    def get_compression_options(self):
        return self.settings.get('websocket_compression_options', None)