/ .localenv / lib / python3.5 / site-packages / tornado / test / @master

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import tornado.escape
from tornado.escape import (
    utf8, xhtml_escape, xhtml_unescape, url_escape, url_unescape,
    to_unicode, json_decode, json_encode, squeeze, recursive_unicode,
from tornado.util import unicode_type
from tornado.test.util import unittest

linkify_tests = [
    # (input, linkify_kwargs, expected_output)

    ("hello!", {},
     u'hello <a href=""></a>!'),

    ("hello", {},
     u'hello <a href=";stuff=yes">;stuff=yes</a>'),  # noqa: E501

    # an opened paren followed by many chars killed Gruber's regex
    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'),  # noqa: E501

    # as did too many dots at the end
    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>.......................................'),  # noqa: E501

    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((a)'),  # noqa: E501

    # some examples from
    # plus a fex extras (such as multiple parentheses).
    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>'),

    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>'),

    ("(Something like", {},
     u'(Something like <a href=""></a>)'),

    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>'),

    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>'),  # noqa: E501

    ("(Something like", {},
     u'(Something like <a href=""></a>)'),  # noqa: E501

    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>.'),

    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>.'),

    ("<>", {},
     u'&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;'),

    ("<>", {},
     u'&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;'),

    (",", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>,'),

    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>.'),

     {"permitted_protocols": ["http", "rdar"]},
     u'<a href="rdar://1234">rdar://1234</a>'),

     {"permitted_protocols": ["rdar"]},
     u'<a href="rdar:/1234">rdar:/1234</a>'),

    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>'),  # noqa: E501

    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>'),

    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>'),

    ("", {},
     u'<a href=""></a>'),

     {"permitted_protocols": ["http", "message"]},
     u'<a href="message://">'

    (u"http://\\u4a39", {},
     u'<a href="http://\\u4a39">http://\\u4a39</a>'),

    ("<tag></tag>", {},
     u'&lt;tag&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/tag&gt;'),

    ("Just a link.", {},
     u'Just a <a href=""></a> link.'),

    ("Just a link.",
     {"require_protocol": True},
     u'Just a link.'),

     {"require_protocol": True, "shorten": True},
     u'A <a href=""'
     u' title=""></a>'),  # noqa: E501

     {"shorten": True},
     u'A <a href=""'
     u' title="">http://reallylongdomainnametha...</a>!'),  # noqa: E501

    ("A file:///passwords.txt and link", {},
     u'A file:///passwords.txt and <a href=""></a> link'),

    ("A file:///passwords.txt and link",
     {"permitted_protocols": ["file"]},
     u'A <a href="file:///passwords.txt">file:///passwords.txt</a> and link'),

     {"extra_params": 'rel="nofollow" class="external"'},
     u'<a href="" rel="nofollow" class="external"></a>'),  # noqa: E501

    (" and extra",
     {"extra_params": lambda href: 'class="internal"' if href.startswith("") else 'rel="nofollow" class="external"'},  # noqa: E501
     u'<a href="" rel="nofollow" class="external"></a>'            # noqa: E501
     u' and <a href="" class="internal"></a> extra'),  # noqa: E501

     {"extra_params": lambda href: '    rel="nofollow" class="external"  '},
     u'<a href="" rel="nofollow" class="external"></a>'),  # noqa: E501

class EscapeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_linkify(self):
        for text, kwargs, html in linkify_tests:
            linked = tornado.escape.linkify(text, **kwargs)
            self.assertEqual(linked, html)

    def test_xhtml_escape(self):
        tests = [
            ("<foo>", "&lt;foo&gt;"),
            (u"<foo>", u"&lt;foo&gt;"),
            (b"<foo>", b"&lt;foo&gt;"),

            ("<>&\"'", "&lt;&gt;&amp;&quot;&#39;"),
            ("&amp;", "&amp;amp;"),

            (u"<\u00e9>", u"&lt;\u00e9&gt;"),
            (b"<\xc3\xa9>", b"&lt;\xc3\xa9&gt;"),
        for unescaped, escaped in tests:
            self.assertEqual(utf8(xhtml_escape(unescaped)), utf8(escaped))
            self.assertEqual(utf8(unescaped), utf8(xhtml_unescape(escaped)))

    def test_xhtml_unescape_numeric(self):
        tests = [
            ('foo&#32;bar', 'foo bar'),
            ('foo&#x20;bar', 'foo bar'),
            ('foo&#X20;bar', 'foo bar'),
            ('foo&#xabc;bar', u'foo\u0abcbar'),
            ('foo&#xyz;bar', 'foo&#xyz;bar'),  # invalid encoding
            ('foo&#;bar', 'foo&#;bar'),        # invalid encoding
            ('foo&#x;bar', 'foo&#x;bar'),      # invalid encoding
        for escaped, unescaped in tests:
            self.assertEqual(unescaped, xhtml_unescape(escaped))

    def test_url_escape_unicode(self):
        tests = [
            # byte strings are passed through as-is
            (u'\u00e9'.encode('utf8'), '%C3%A9'),
            (u'\u00e9'.encode('latin1'), '%E9'),

            # unicode strings become utf8
            (u'\u00e9', '%C3%A9'),
        for unescaped, escaped in tests:
            self.assertEqual(url_escape(unescaped), escaped)

    def test_url_unescape_unicode(self):
        tests = [
            ('%C3%A9', u'\u00e9', 'utf8'),
            ('%C3%A9', u'\u00c3\u00a9', 'latin1'),
            ('%C3%A9', utf8(u'\u00e9'), None),
        for escaped, unescaped, encoding in tests:
            # input strings to url_unescape should only contain ascii
            # characters, but make sure the function accepts both byte
            # and unicode strings.
            self.assertEqual(url_unescape(to_unicode(escaped), encoding), unescaped)
            self.assertEqual(url_unescape(utf8(escaped), encoding), unescaped)

    def test_url_escape_quote_plus(self):
        unescaped = '+ #%'
        plus_escaped = '%2B+%23%25'
        escaped = '%2B%20%23%25'
        self.assertEqual(url_escape(unescaped), plus_escaped)
        self.assertEqual(url_escape(unescaped, plus=False), escaped)
        self.assertEqual(url_unescape(plus_escaped), unescaped)
        self.assertEqual(url_unescape(escaped, plus=False), unescaped)
        self.assertEqual(url_unescape(plus_escaped, encoding=None),
        self.assertEqual(url_unescape(escaped, encoding=None, plus=False),

    def test_escape_return_types(self):
        # On python2 the escape methods should generally return the same
        # type as their argument
        self.assertEqual(type(xhtml_escape("foo")), str)
        self.assertEqual(type(xhtml_escape(u"foo")), unicode_type)

    def test_json_decode(self):
        # json_decode accepts both bytes and unicode, but strings it returns
        # are always unicode.
        self.assertEqual(json_decode(b'"foo"'), u"foo")
        self.assertEqual(json_decode(u'"foo"'), u"foo")

        # Non-ascii bytes are interpreted as utf8
        self.assertEqual(json_decode(utf8(u'"\u00e9"')), u"\u00e9")

    def test_json_encode(self):
        # json deals with strings, not bytes.  On python 2 byte strings will
        # convert automatically if they are utf8; on python 3 byte strings
        # are not allowed.
        self.assertEqual(json_decode(json_encode(u"\u00e9")), u"\u00e9")
        if bytes is str:
            self.assertEqual(json_decode(json_encode(utf8(u"\u00e9"))), u"\u00e9")
            self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, json_encode, b"\xe9")

    def test_squeeze(self):
        self.assertEqual(squeeze(u'sequences     of    whitespace   chars'),
                         u'sequences of whitespace chars')

    def test_recursive_unicode(self):
        tests = {
            'dict': {b"foo": b"bar"},
            'list': [b"foo", b"bar"],
            'tuple': (b"foo", b"bar"),
            'bytes': b"foo"
        self.assertEqual(recursive_unicode(tests['dict']), {u"foo": u"bar"})
        self.assertEqual(recursive_unicode(tests['list']), [u"foo", u"bar"])
        self.assertEqual(recursive_unicode(tests['tuple']), (u"foo", u"bar"))
        self.assertEqual(recursive_unicode(tests['bytes']), u"foo")