/ .localenv / lib / python3.5 / site-packages / IPython / utils / tests / @master raw · history · blame

# encoding: utf-8
Tests for

#  Copyright (C) 2008-2011  The IPython Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  The full license is in
#  the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.

# Imports

import sys
import os
from unittest import TestCase

import as nt

from IPython.utils.process import (find_cmd, FindCmdError, arg_split,
                                   system, getoutput, getoutputerror,
from IPython.testing import decorators as dec
from IPython.testing import tools as tt

python = os.path.basename(sys.executable)

# Tests

def test_find_cmd_ls():
    """Make sure we can find the full path to ls."""
    path = find_cmd('ls')

def has_pywin32():
        import win32api
    except ImportError:
        return False
    return True

@dec.onlyif(has_pywin32, "This test requires win32api to run")
def test_find_cmd_pythonw():
    """Try to find pythonw on Windows."""
    path = find_cmd('pythonw')
    assert path.lower().endswith('pythonw.exe'), path

@dec.onlyif(lambda : sys.platform != 'win32' or has_pywin32(),
            "This test runs on posix or in win32 with win32api installed")
def test_find_cmd_fail():
    """Make sure that FindCmdError is raised if we can't find the cmd."""

def test_arg_split():
    """Ensure that argument lines are correctly split like in a shell."""
    tests = [['hi', ['hi']],
             [u'hi', [u'hi']],
             ['hello there', ['hello', 'there']],
             # \u01ce == \N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CARON}
             # Do not use \N because the tests crash with syntax error in
             # some cases, for example windows python2.6.
             [u'h\u01cello', [u'h\u01cello']],
             ['something "with quotes"', ['something', '"with quotes"']],
    for argstr, argv in tests:
        nt.assert_equal(arg_split(argstr), argv)
def test_arg_split_win32():
    """Ensure that argument lines are correctly split like in a shell."""
    tests = [['hi', ['hi']],
             [u'hi', [u'hi']],
             ['hello there', ['hello', 'there']],
             [u'h\u01cello', [u'h\u01cello']],
             ['something "with quotes"', ['something', 'with quotes']],
    for argstr, argv in tests:
        nt.assert_equal(arg_split(argstr), argv)

class SubProcessTestCase(TestCase, tt.TempFileMixin):
    def setUp(self):
        """Make a valid python temp file."""
        lines = [ "import sys",
                 "print('on stdout', end='', file=sys.stdout)",
                 "print('on stderr', end='', file=sys.stderr)",

    def test_system(self):
        status = system('%s "%s"' % (python, self.fname))
        self.assertEqual(status, 0)

    def test_system_quotes(self):
        status = system('%s -c "import sys"' % python)
        self.assertEqual(status, 0)

    def test_getoutput(self):
        out = getoutput('%s "%s"' % (python, self.fname))
        # we can't rely on the order the line buffered streams are flushed
            self.assertEqual(out, 'on stderron stdout')
        except AssertionError:
            self.assertEqual(out, 'on stdouton stderr')

    def test_getoutput_quoted(self):
        out = getoutput('%s -c "print (1)"' % python)
        self.assertEqual(out.strip(), '1')

    #Invalid quoting on windows
    def test_getoutput_quoted2(self):
        out = getoutput("%s -c 'print (1)'" % python)
        self.assertEqual(out.strip(), '1')
        out = getoutput("%s -c 'print (\"1\")'" % python)
        self.assertEqual(out.strip(), '1')

    def test_getoutput_error(self):
        out, err = getoutputerror('%s "%s"' % (python, self.fname))
        self.assertEqual(out, 'on stdout')
        self.assertEqual(err, 'on stderr')
    def test_get_output_error_code(self):
        quiet_exit = '%s -c "import sys; sys.exit(1)"' % python
        out, err, code = get_output_error_code(quiet_exit)
        self.assertEqual(out, '')
        self.assertEqual(err, '')
        self.assertEqual(code, 1)
        out, err, code = get_output_error_code('%s "%s"' % (python, self.fname))
        self.assertEqual(out, 'on stdout')
        self.assertEqual(err, 'on stderr')
        self.assertEqual(code, 0)