/ .localenv / lib / python3.5 / site-packages / jedi / api / @master raw · history · blame

from parso.python.token import PythonTokenTypes
from parso.python import tree
from parso.tree import search_ancestor, Leaf

from jedi._compatibility import Parameter
from jedi import debug
from jedi import settings
from jedi.api import classes
from jedi.api import helpers
from jedi.evaluate import imports
from jedi.api import keywords
from jedi.evaluate.helpers import evaluate_call_of_leaf
from jedi.evaluate.filters import get_global_filters
from jedi.parser_utils import get_statement_of_position

def get_call_signature_param_names(call_signatures):
    # add named params
    for call_sig in call_signatures:
        for p in call_sig.params:
            # Allow protected access, because it's a public API.
            if p._name.get_kind() in (Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD,
                yield p._name

def filter_names(evaluator, completion_names, stack, like_name):
    comp_dct = {}
    if settings.case_insensitive_completion:
        like_name = like_name.lower()
    for name in completion_names:
        string = name.string_name
        if settings.case_insensitive_completion:
            string = string.lower()

        if string.startswith(like_name):
            new = classes.Completion(
            k = (, new.complete)  # key
            if k in comp_dct and settings.no_completion_duplicates:
                comp_dct[k] = new
                yield new

def get_user_scope(module_context, position):
    Returns the scope in which the user resides. This includes flows.
    user_stmt = get_statement_of_position(module_context.tree_node, position)
    if user_stmt is None:
        def scan(scope):
            for s in scope.children:
                if s.start_pos <= position <= s.end_pos:
                    if isinstance(s, (tree.Scope, tree.Flow)) \
                            or s.type in ('async_stmt', 'async_funcdef'):
                        return scan(s) or s
                    elif s.type in ('suite', 'decorated'):
                        return scan(s)
            return None

        scanned_node = scan(module_context.tree_node)
        if scanned_node:
            return module_context.create_context(scanned_node, node_is_context=True)
        return module_context
        return module_context.create_context(user_stmt)

def get_flow_scope_node(module_node, position):
    node = module_node.get_leaf_for_position(position, include_prefixes=True)
    while not isinstance(node, (tree.Scope, tree.Flow)):
        node = node.parent

    return node

class Completion:
    def __init__(self, evaluator, module, code_lines, position, call_signatures_method):
        self._evaluator = evaluator
        self._module_context = module
        self._module_node = module.tree_node
        self._code_lines = code_lines

        # The first step of completions is to get the name
        self._like_name = helpers.get_on_completion_name(self._module_node, code_lines, position)
        # The actual cursor position is not what we need to calculate
        # everything. We want the start of the name we're on.
        self._position = position[0], position[1] - len(self._like_name)
        self._call_signatures_method = call_signatures_method

    def completions(self):
        completion_names = self._get_context_completions()

        completions = filter_names(self._evaluator, completion_names,
                                   self.stack, self._like_name)

        return sorted(completions, key=lambda x: ('__'),

    def _get_context_completions(self):
        Analyzes the context that a completion is made in and decides what to

        Technically this works by generating a parser stack and analysing the
        current stack for possible grammar nodes.

        Possible enhancements:
        - global/nonlocal search global
        - yield from / raise from <- could be only exceptions/generators
        - In args: */**: no completion
        - In params (also lambda): no completion before =

        grammar = self._evaluator.grammar

            self.stack = stack = helpers.get_stack_at_position(
                grammar, self._code_lines, self._module_node, self._position
        except helpers.OnErrorLeaf as e:
            self.stack = stack = None
            if e.error_leaf.value == '.':
                # After ErrorLeaf's that are dots, we will not do any
                # completions since this probably just confuses the user.
                return []
            # If we don't have a context, just use global completion.

            return self._global_completions()

        allowed_transitions = \

        if 'if' in allowed_transitions:
            leaf = self._module_node.get_leaf_for_position(self._position, include_prefixes=True)
            previous_leaf = leaf.get_previous_leaf()

            indent = self._position[1]
            if not (leaf.start_pos <= self._position <= leaf.end_pos):
                indent = leaf.start_pos[1]

            if previous_leaf is not None:
                stmt = previous_leaf
                while True:
                    stmt = search_ancestor(
                        stmt, 'if_stmt', 'for_stmt', 'while_stmt', 'try_stmt',
                    if stmt is None:

                    type_ = stmt.type
                    if type_ == 'error_node':
                        first = stmt.children[0]
                        if isinstance(first, Leaf):
                            type_ = first.value + '_stmt'
                    # Compare indents
                    if stmt.start_pos[1] == indent:
                        if type_ == 'if_stmt':
                            allowed_transitions += ['elif', 'else']
                        elif type_ == 'try_stmt':
                            allowed_transitions += ['except', 'finally', 'else']
                        elif type_ == 'for_stmt':

        completion_names = list(self._get_keyword_completion_names(allowed_transitions))

        if any(t in allowed_transitions for t in (PythonTokenTypes.NAME,
            # This means that we actually have to do type inference.

            nonterminals = [stack_node.nonterminal for stack_node in stack]

            nodes = [node for stack_node in stack for node in stack_node.nodes]

            if nodes and nodes[-1] in ('as', 'def', 'class'):
                # No completions for ``with x as foo`` and ``import x as foo``.
                # Also true for defining names as a class or function.
                return list(self._get_class_context_completions(is_function=True))
            elif "import_stmt" in nonterminals:
                level, names = self._parse_dotted_names(nodes, "import_from" in nonterminals)

                only_modules = not ("import_from" in nonterminals and 'import' in nodes)
                completion_names += self._get_importer_names(
            elif nonterminals[-1] in ('trailer', 'dotted_name') and nodes[-1] == '.':
                dot = self._module_node.get_leaf_for_position(self._position)
                completion_names += self._trailer_completions(dot.get_previous_leaf())
                completion_names += self._global_completions()
                completion_names += self._get_class_context_completions(is_function=False)

            if 'trailer' in nonterminals:
                call_signatures = self._call_signatures_method()
                completion_names += get_call_signature_param_names(call_signatures)

        return completion_names

    def _get_keyword_completion_names(self, allowed_transitions):
        for k in allowed_transitions:
            if isinstance(k, str) and k.isalpha():
                yield keywords.KeywordName(self._evaluator, k)

    def _global_completions(self):
        context = get_user_scope(self._module_context, self._position)
        debug.dbg('global completion scope: %s', context)
        flow_scope_node = get_flow_scope_node(self._module_node, self._position)
        filters = get_global_filters(
        completion_names = []
        for filter in filters:
            completion_names += filter.values()
        return completion_names

    def _trailer_completions(self, previous_leaf):
        user_context = get_user_scope(self._module_context, self._position)
        evaluation_context = self._evaluator.create_context(
            self._module_context, previous_leaf
        contexts = evaluate_call_of_leaf(evaluation_context, previous_leaf)
        completion_names = []
        debug.dbg('trailer completion contexts: %s', contexts)
        for context in contexts:
            for filter in context.get_filters(
                    search_global=False, origin_scope=user_context.tree_node):
                completion_names += filter.values()
        return completion_names

    def _parse_dotted_names(self, nodes, is_import_from):
        level = 0
        names = []
        for node in nodes[1:]:
            if node in ('.', '...'):
                if not names:
                    level += len(node.value)
            elif node.type == 'dotted_name':
                names += node.children[::2]
            elif node.type == 'name':
            elif node == ',':
                if not is_import_from:
                    names = []
                # Here if the keyword `import` comes along it stops checking
                # for names.
        return level, names

    def _get_importer_names(self, names, level=0, only_modules=True):
        names = [n.value for n in names]
        i = imports.Importer(self._evaluator, names, self._module_context, level)
        return i.completion_names(self._evaluator, only_modules=only_modules)

    def _get_class_context_completions(self, is_function=True):
        Autocomplete inherited methods when overriding in child class.
        leaf = self._module_node.get_leaf_for_position(self._position, include_prefixes=True)
        cls = tree.search_ancestor(leaf, 'classdef')
        if isinstance(cls, (tree.Class, tree.Function)):
            # Complete the methods that are defined in the super classes.
            random_context = self._module_context.create_context(

        if cls.start_pos[1] >= leaf.start_pos[1]:

        filters = random_context.get_filters(search_global=False, is_instance=True)
        # The first dict is the dictionary of class itself.
        for filter in filters:
            for name in filter.values():
                if (name.api_type == 'function') == is_function:
                    yield name