/ .localenv / lib / python3.5 / site-packages / jedi / evaluate / @master raw · history · blame

from collections import defaultdict

from jedi.evaluate.utils import PushBackIterator
from jedi.evaluate import analysis
from jedi.evaluate.lazy_context import LazyKnownContext, \
    LazyTreeContext, LazyUnknownContext
from jedi.evaluate import docstrings
from jedi.evaluate import pep0484
from jedi.evaluate.context import iterable

def _add_argument_issue(parent_context, error_name, lazy_context, message):
    if isinstance(lazy_context, LazyTreeContext):
        node =
        if node.parent.type == 'argument':
            node = node.parent
        analysis.add(parent_context, error_name, node, message)

class ExecutedParam(object):
    """Fake a param and give it values."""
    def __init__(self, execution_context, param_node, lazy_context):
        self._execution_context = execution_context
        self._param_node = param_node
        self._lazy_context = lazy_context
        self.string_name =

    def infer(self):
        pep0484_hints = pep0484.infer_param(self._execution_context, self._param_node)
        doc_params = docstrings.infer_param(self._execution_context, self._param_node)
        if pep0484_hints or doc_params:
            return pep0484_hints | doc_params

        return self._lazy_context.infer()

    def var_args(self):
        return self._execution_context.var_args

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.string_name)

def get_params(execution_context, var_args):
    result_params = []
    param_dict = {}
    funcdef = execution_context.tree_node
    parent_context = execution_context.parent_context

    for param in funcdef.get_params():
        param_dict[] = param
    unpacked_va = list(var_args.unpack(funcdef))
    var_arg_iterator = PushBackIterator(iter(unpacked_va))

    non_matching_keys = defaultdict(lambda: [])
    keys_used = {}
    keys_only = False
    had_multiple_value_error = False
    for param in funcdef.get_params():
        # The value and key can both be null. There, the defaults apply.
        # args / kwargs will just be empty arrays / dicts, respectively.
        # Wrong value count is just ignored. If you try to test cases that are
        # not allowed in Python, Jedi will maybe not show any completions.
        key, argument = next(var_arg_iterator, (None, None))
        while key is not None:
            keys_only = True
                key_param = param_dict[key]
            except KeyError:
                non_matching_keys[key] = argument
                if key in keys_used:
                    had_multiple_value_error = True
                    m = ("TypeError: %s() got multiple values for keyword argument '%s'."
                         % (, key))
                    for node in var_args.get_calling_nodes():
                        analysis.add(parent_context, 'type-error-multiple-values',
                                     node, message=m)
                    keys_used[key] = ExecutedParam(execution_context, key_param, argument)
            key, argument = next(var_arg_iterator, (None, None))

        except KeyError:

        if param.star_count == 1:
            # *args param
            lazy_context_list = []
            if argument is not None:
                for key, argument in var_arg_iterator:
                    # Iterate until a key argument is found.
                    if key:
                        var_arg_iterator.push_back((key, argument))
            seq = iterable.FakeSequence(execution_context.evaluator, u'tuple', lazy_context_list)
            result_arg = LazyKnownContext(seq)
        elif param.star_count == 2:
            # **kwargs param
            dct = iterable.FakeDict(execution_context.evaluator, dict(non_matching_keys))
            result_arg = LazyKnownContext(dct)
            non_matching_keys = {}
            # normal param
            if argument is None:
                # No value: Return an empty container
                if param.default is None:
                    result_arg = LazyUnknownContext()
                    if not keys_only:
                        for node in var_args.get_calling_nodes():
                            m = _error_argument_count(funcdef, len(unpacked_va))
                            analysis.add(parent_context, 'type-error-too-few-arguments',
                                         node, message=m)
                    result_arg = LazyTreeContext(parent_context, param.default)
                result_arg = argument

        result_params.append(ExecutedParam(execution_context, param, result_arg))
        if not isinstance(result_arg, LazyUnknownContext):
            keys_used[] = result_params[-1]

    if keys_only:
        # All arguments should be handed over to the next function. It's not
        # about the values inside, it's about the names. Jedi needs to now that
        # there's nothing to find for certain names.
        for k in set(param_dict) - set(keys_used):
            param = param_dict[k]

            if not (non_matching_keys or had_multiple_value_error or
                    param.star_count or param.default):
                # add a warning only if there's not another one.
                for node in var_args.get_calling_nodes():
                    m = _error_argument_count(funcdef, len(unpacked_va))
                    analysis.add(parent_context, 'type-error-too-few-arguments',
                                 node, message=m)

    for key, lazy_context in non_matching_keys.items():
        m = "TypeError: %s() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'." \
            % (, key)

    remaining_arguments = list(var_arg_iterator)
    if remaining_arguments:
        m = _error_argument_count(funcdef, len(unpacked_va))
        # Just report an error for the first param that is not needed (like
        # cPython).
        first_key, lazy_context = remaining_arguments[0]
        if var_args.get_calling_nodes():
            # There might not be a valid calling node so check for that first.
            _add_argument_issue(parent_context, 'type-error-too-many-arguments', lazy_context, message=m)
    return result_params

def _error_argument_count(funcdef, actual_count):
    params = funcdef.get_params()
    default_arguments = sum(1 for p in params if p.default or p.star_count)

    if default_arguments == 0:
        before = 'exactly '
        before = 'from %s to ' % (len(params) - default_arguments)
    return ('TypeError: %s() takes %s%s arguments (%s given).'
            % (, before, len(params), actual_count))

def _create_default_param(execution_context, param):
    if param.star_count == 1:
        result_arg = LazyKnownContext(
            iterable.FakeSequence(execution_context.evaluator, u'tuple', [])
    elif param.star_count == 2:
        result_arg = LazyKnownContext(
            iterable.FakeDict(execution_context.evaluator, {})
    elif param.default is None:
        result_arg = LazyUnknownContext()
        result_arg = LazyTreeContext(execution_context.parent_context, param.default)
    return ExecutedParam(execution_context, param, result_arg)

def create_default_params(execution_context, funcdef):
    return [_create_default_param(execution_context, p)
            for p in funcdef.get_params()]