/ .localenv / lib / python3.5 / site-packages / parso / python / @master raw · history · blame

from parso.python import tree
from parso.python.token import PythonTokenTypes
from parso.parser import BaseParser

NAME = PythonTokenTypes.NAME
INDENT = PythonTokenTypes.INDENT
DEDENT = PythonTokenTypes.DEDENT

class Parser(BaseParser):
    This class is used to parse a Python file, it then divides them into a
    class structure of different scopes.

    :param pgen_grammar: The grammar object of pgen2. Loaded by load_grammar.

    node_map = {
        'expr_stmt': tree.ExprStmt,
        'classdef': tree.Class,
        'funcdef': tree.Function,
        'file_input': tree.Module,
        'import_name': tree.ImportName,
        'import_from': tree.ImportFrom,
        'break_stmt': tree.KeywordStatement,
        'continue_stmt': tree.KeywordStatement,
        'return_stmt': tree.ReturnStmt,
        'raise_stmt': tree.KeywordStatement,
        'yield_expr': tree.YieldExpr,
        'del_stmt': tree.KeywordStatement,
        'pass_stmt': tree.KeywordStatement,
        'global_stmt': tree.GlobalStmt,
        'nonlocal_stmt': tree.KeywordStatement,
        'print_stmt': tree.KeywordStatement,
        'assert_stmt': tree.AssertStmt,
        'if_stmt': tree.IfStmt,
        'with_stmt': tree.WithStmt,
        'for_stmt': tree.ForStmt,
        'while_stmt': tree.WhileStmt,
        'try_stmt': tree.TryStmt,
        'comp_for': tree.CompFor,
        # Not sure if this is the best idea, but IMO it's the easiest way to
        # avoid extreme amounts of work around the subtle difference of 2/3
        # grammar in list comoprehensions.
        'list_for': tree.CompFor,
        # Same here. This just exists in Python 2.6.
        'gen_for': tree.CompFor,
        'decorator': tree.Decorator,
        'lambdef': tree.Lambda,
        'old_lambdef': tree.Lambda,
        'lambdef_nocond': tree.Lambda,
    default_node = tree.PythonNode

    # Names/Keywords are handled separately
    _leaf_map = {
        PythonTokenTypes.STRING: tree.String,
        PythonTokenTypes.NUMBER: tree.Number,
        PythonTokenTypes.NEWLINE: tree.Newline,
        PythonTokenTypes.ENDMARKER: tree.EndMarker,
        PythonTokenTypes.FSTRING_STRING: tree.FStringString,
        PythonTokenTypes.FSTRING_START: tree.FStringStart,
        PythonTokenTypes.FSTRING_END: tree.FStringEnd,

    def __init__(self, pgen_grammar, error_recovery=True, start_nonterminal='file_input'):
        super(Parser, self).__init__(pgen_grammar, start_nonterminal,

        self.syntax_errors = []
        self._omit_dedent_list = []
        self._indent_counter = 0

    def parse(self, tokens):
        if self._error_recovery:
            if self._start_nonterminal != 'file_input':
                raise NotImplementedError

            tokens = self._recovery_tokenize(tokens)

        return super(Parser, self).parse(tokens)

    def convert_node(self, nonterminal, children):
        Convert raw node information to a PythonBaseNode instance.

        This is passed to the parser driver which calls it whenever a reduction of a
        grammar rule produces a new complete node, so that the tree is build
        strictly bottom-up.
            return self.node_map[nonterminal](children)
        except KeyError:
            if nonterminal == 'suite':
                # We don't want the INDENT/DEDENT in our parser tree. Those
                # leaves are just cancer. They are virtual leaves and not real
                # ones and therefore have pseudo start/end positions and no
                # prefixes. Just ignore them.
                children = [children[0]] + children[2:-1]
            elif nonterminal == 'list_if':
                # Make transitioning from 2 to 3 easier.
                nonterminal = 'comp_if'
            elif nonterminal == 'listmaker':
                # Same as list_if above.
                nonterminal = 'testlist_comp'
            return self.default_node(nonterminal, children)

    def convert_leaf(self, type, value, prefix, start_pos):
        # print('leaf', repr(value), token.tok_name[type])
        if type == NAME:
            if value in self._pgen_grammar.reserved_syntax_strings:
                return tree.Keyword(value, start_pos, prefix)
                return tree.Name(value, start_pos, prefix)

        return self._leaf_map.get(type, tree.Operator)(value, start_pos, prefix)

    def error_recovery(self, token):
        tos_nodes = self.stack[-1].nodes
        if tos_nodes:
            last_leaf = tos_nodes[-1].get_last_leaf()
            last_leaf = None

        if self._start_nonterminal == 'file_input' and \
                (token.type == PythonTokenTypes.ENDMARKER or
                 token.type == DEDENT and '\n' not in last_leaf.value):
            # In Python statements need to end with a newline. But since it's
            # possible (and valid in Python ) that there's no newline at the
            # end of a file, we have to recover even if the user doesn't want
            # error recovery.
            if self.stack[-1].dfa.from_rule == 'simple_stmt':
                    plan = self.stack[-1].dfa.transitions[PythonTokenTypes.NEWLINE]
                except KeyError:
                    if plan.next_dfa.is_final and not plan.dfa_pushes:
                        # We are ignoring here that the newline would be
                        # required for a simple_stmt.
                        self.stack[-1].dfa = plan.next_dfa

        if not self._error_recovery:
            return super(Parser, self).error_recovery(token)

        def current_suite(stack):
            # For now just discard everything that is not a suite or
            # file_input, if we detect an error.
            for until_index, stack_node in reversed(list(enumerate(stack))):
                # `suite` can sometimes be only simple_stmt, not stmt.
                if stack_node.nonterminal == 'file_input':
                elif stack_node.nonterminal == 'suite':
                    # In the case where we just have a newline we don't want to
                    # do error recovery here. In all other cases, we want to do
                    # error recovery.
                    if len(stack_node.nodes) != 1:
            return until_index

        until_index = current_suite(self.stack)

        if self._stack_removal(until_index + 1):
            typ, value, start_pos, prefix = token
            if typ == INDENT:
                # For every deleted INDENT we have to delete a DEDENT as well.
                # Otherwise the parser will get into trouble and DEDENT too early.

            error_leaf = tree.PythonErrorLeaf(, value, start_pos, prefix)

        tos = self.stack[-1]
        if tos.nonterminal == 'suite':
            # Need at least one statement in the suite. This happend with the
            # error recovery above.
                tos.dfa = tos.dfa.arcs['stmt']
            except KeyError:
                # We're already in a final state.

    def _stack_removal(self, start_index):
        all_nodes = [node for stack_node in self.stack[start_index:] for node in stack_node.nodes]

        if all_nodes:
            self.stack[start_index - 1].nodes.append(tree.PythonErrorNode(all_nodes))

        self.stack[start_index:] = []
        return bool(all_nodes)

    def _recovery_tokenize(self, tokens):
        for token in tokens:
            typ = token[0]
            # print(tok_name[typ], repr(value), start_pos, repr(prefix))
            if typ == DEDENT:
                # We need to count indents, because if we just omit any DEDENT,
                # we might omit them in the wrong place.
                o = self._omit_dedent_list
                if o and o[-1] == self._indent_counter:

                self._indent_counter -= 1
            elif typ == INDENT:
                self._indent_counter += 1
            yield token